Full Ceramics

Full Ceramics

Today full porcelain crowns are considered the most beautiful crown that a tooth can get. Full porcelain is the only crown which gives the desired translucent look to the tooth.

The metallic contrast of a dark metal dental crown certainly stands out in a crowd, but it may not be the kind of attention you want. Even porcelain-coated metal crowns have an unavoidable thin sliver of grey that gives them away where the crown connects the gum line.Full porcelain crowns are created to avoid detection, and they are also custom sculpted to fit your mouth, and match the color and tone of your natural teeth perfectly.The result is a beautiful lifelike crown that blends in to enhance your smile naturally.With its similarities to the natural enamel of a tooth, porcelain is the ideal material to bond with your tooth when placing a crown.This makes porcelain dental crowns the perfect choice for patients with teeth that are not missing entirely but are broken or discolored or otherwise damaged from injury or tooth decay.Porcelain reinforces and straigthens your underlying natural tooth, making it the ideal choice adding true function along with its esthetic appearence.

Full Ceramics